目前分類:米國流浪記 part I (19)

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When we almost finished our summer class , we planed to do a trip which is hardly to do from Taiwan .Mina & Mia & Barry & Me decised to travel Alaska .... It was our dream to see Northern Light .............

When 9/4 was coming , we took a airplane in Seattle at 5:30 am... Our trip was starting from this moment  !!First Day  we arrived anchorage ... we rent a car like cerfero from a car rental store which was not very good ... actually a little bed ...after geting the car , we drived to Denali National Park . During the distance , we visited a nice small town..I forgot it's name ...

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It's my Summer Class ~

Wonderful classmates , teachers , friends !!

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   The time runs fast . Suddenly August is coming .

   During my last week of July, it was a terrible week. T

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During my fourth week, I took a little break. I didn’t have many plans to go out. But I still had a wonderful weekend. This weekend I wend to Alki beach and we ran into Nacho and his friends at the restaurant . What a coincidence. !! After talking, we bought a pizza and sat on the grass to enjoy the sunshine and pizza. The weather was very good. Many people laid on their back to enjoy the nice time. We ran around by the ocean and then we enjoyed our happiness time too much so my slippers were broken !! They had stayed with me a long time, now they are broken and I felt some sad.. After lunch, we drove the car to Lincoln Park. It’s also another big park. It also has a beach, but the beach is different from Alki beach. Alki beach has white fine sand but the sand in Lincoln Park is bigger than in Alki beach. And it is not white, but it is beautiful, too. After that, we went to Green Lake to enjoy the setting sun and the wonderful wind. Saturday was a nature trip.


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During my third week , it looked like very busy . I had two quizzes and some meetings with friends. On Wednesday , my teacher took us to Pioneer Square to learn about Seattle history. It was very interesting about the underground history. I saw the glass mezzanine on the ground. I couldn’t believe that the road was on the second floor. I stood on the second floor. Everything happened on the second floor. We also went to the museum to see the history about gold rush. This class wasn’t boring and I got much history about Seattle

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        Besides the classes , I was happy for my holiday. On the last weekend, I went to Kelly park in Queen Ann. with my friends . It has a beautiful view. We can see the Seattle in a high position. And I also went to Wujimoya Japan supermarket to buy Asian food that can’t be bought in QFC or Safeway . I felt so cheerful ,because I can eat food I like and I don’t eat bread everyday !! It is also a starting of learning to cook for me , it is very fun and interesting. Now I bring my food I cook to class everyday . I think it will save some money for me.


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I could not bear the acid bread  and just drink coffe in the morning anymore

so I went to the QFC supermarket near my house to buy food I can cook

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mm~ this is my first week going to school to learn english !!

During this week , I felt very intresting in my class although I still can't catch up what my teacher said

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Today ~  自己搭公車去 Olympic Sculpture & Mytle Edwards 這兩個公園

它是在海岸邊的兩個連在一起的公園,有大大的草皮,有椅子,有個小小的沙灘 跟 小小的玫瑰花園

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與Noi 再次一起吃午餐,今天選在我住附近的U-Village 內一家美式餐廳


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今天與sandy 姊姊去UW逛逛,哈!! 依我這種敗家個性加上好動愛玩,是怎嚜想也不會想去裡面晃晃


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今天至downtown 去聽 orientation & level 考試

mm ~ 看到好幾個國家的學生,但大部分都是 韓國人 !!

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今天與e-mail 很久的Sandy 姊姊一同去downtown 的UW 語言中心

付錢 !!!

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6/15與在飛機上認識的地陪 Noi ~ 約好中午吃飯,約定的餐廳於chinatown 內

我想~ 我沒去過chinatown & 一直聽說也不是個辦法,那就去晃晃跟吃飯吧

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因~剛來前兩天太操了,時差沒調好又到處亂跑,搞的小女子~頭痛欲裂 !! 快感冒了

所以 6/13 ~ 14 休兵兩天,在家休養 !!

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今天自己一個人搭著公車到Downtown 去流浪


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整個眼睛很酸,但就是睡不著 ><

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台灣時間 6/9 23:00 飛機 ,預計到達Seattle 時間為當地時間 18:35

三位傻蛋 19 : 20 載我出發至桃園機場 ~

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